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Recycling Committee Minutes 09/04/2012
SalemRecycles Committee
Meeting Minutes – September 4, 2012

6:30 pm, 9/4/12, 120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Salem, MA

Attending:  Erin Huggard, Janis Breeze, Lynn Murray, Jennifer Percy, Julie Rose, Liz Vago, Susan Yochelson, Shelley Alpern (SAFE)
Absent:  Robin Faulling, Nancy Gilberg, Tony Keck, Marcia Lambert, Penelope Neal

Announcements: Erin announced that Tony Keck will be the new secretary for SalemRecycles, and Janis Breeze will be the new vice chair.

Haunted Happenings Parade (10/4)
  • We discussed costumes, props, and themes; will plan to dress up in green with the green aprons, and carry the banners.
  • Shelley will ask SAFE members to take part, and Andrea Fox has also confirmed she will attend with a water-based theme (canteen, station, etc.) We decided not to hand out flyers this year as they just get discarded.
  • John Pelletier (of Mass in Motion) is interested in participating, perhaps dressed up as a vegetable.
  • The parade will start about 6 pm, participants gather at 5:30 pm at Shetland Park. Generally done by 8 pm, ending up at the Common. Julie, Jennifer, Lynn, Liz, and possibly Susan will attend; Janis and Erin will join after work. Will send emails to firm up details as date approaches.
  • Julie emailed following the meeting to confirm the overall theme for this year’s parade: World Animal Day.
September 15 Book Swap
  • Schedule – sign-up for shifts is complete. Karen Cady will be hosting potluck dinner on 9/14 for those helping to set up on Friday evening.
  • PR – Flyers have been posted around town; Nancy has posted the event on Facebook and Patch; Lynn will advertise with the Salem Garden Club. Everyone is reminded to continue sharing and promoting the event.
  • Logistics – may use entryway space this year, if needed. Keeping books in boxes (spine-up) on the tables may help keep books organized.
NIAAC meeting / Doorhanger Project
  • Ongoing challenge of finding time to canvas neighborhoods before recycling pick-up.
  • We discussed training volunteers to help with the door hanging project and general community outreach/education. A training session could be scheduled, perhaps for an hour on a Saturday morning, for interested volunteers. As a first step, we can advertise/recruit at the upcoming Book Swap.
  • Susan and Julie will attend the upcoming NIAAC meeting (9/12) to discuss and promote the door hanger project there.
  • Liz will attend the South Salem Neighborhood Association meeting and will also introduce the door hanger project.
November 17 Textiles Drive
  • Julie will follow up with Nancy to see if there has been any further planning with MBTA for this event.  
  • Current idea is to do two sites, with Textiles as before, and MBTA drop-off at Salem Depot.
  • Need to find out how many volunteers MBTA would need.

Salem Ferry – Shelley asked about recycling on the Salem Ferry; in previous years, there has been little-to-no recycling. Currently there is recycling on the ferry and in the terminal, but perhaps could be more visible (especially on board) – e.g., having a blue bin. Those of us who take the ferry will take a closer look next time.
Harborwalk Big Bellies – Julie received a response from the Planning Board; they agreed to move one of the four Big Bellies. The committee still feels this is inadequate given the relatively scant pedestrian traffic on the Harborwalk, even during the outdoor concerts, compared to other areas of downtown. A motion was made and passed for the committee to send a letter to the Planning Board (with cc: to Jason Silva) requesting they consider moving more of the Big Bellies to busier areas of the city. Susan will draft a letter and circulate via email for comments.

  • Reminder to keep email subject lines current and descriptive, especially when changing topics within an email thread.
  • Liz and Lynn are drafting a white paper on dual stream vs. single-stream recycling.
  • Bids for Salem’s recycling contract are due 9/19, which can include bids for single- and/or dual-stream options. The Selection Committee will probably make a decision by early October. The hauling contract(s) are separate from those of recycling and trash disposal and should be advertised later this fall.
  • Salem Park(ing) Day ( 9/21 – John Pelletier from Mass in Motion would like to pursue the green parking space idea – you rent a city parking space for the day (or parts of the day) and use the space to promote green activities, recycling, gardening, etc. The group agreed this was a great idea and will follow-up via email.
  • Julie has arranged for Cinema Salem to provide a free showing of the documentary “Deep Green” on Sunday 11/18 at 10 am, as part of the Green Salem Business Challenge. There will also be free coffee for the first 25 attendees.

  • The minutes from last month’s meeting were approved.